Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Pet Can Be An Addict's Reason for Staying Aware

I know when I first entered recovery I wasn't ready for a pet, although I wanted one desperately.  I did get the proverbial plant first, and it is still alive along with another one.  Then I took at a stab at tropical fish and though some of them died on oand off it taught me the responsibility again of a pet although they did not need to be tended to everyday.  Currently I have a 6 month old chihuahua, named Tasia.  I got her in August so I was 15 months clean.  She can still be a handle sometimes but the joy she gives me compensates for all the other things.  The days I don't feel like doing anything she keeps me active.  First thing, when I wake up I get her fresh food and water. I trained her on peepads since we live in Michigan and she was real particular about getting her paws wet when we went outside so I don't need to take her out everyday, but I need to ensure she gets her exercise. She does running through the house and I supplement it by playing fetch with her everyday besides giving her exercise it makes our bond stronger.  She understands I love her and want to spend time with her.  She has many outfits and yes I have a carrying purse for her. She goes many places with me except church.  The grocery store, the gas station and to NA meetings. She knows to sit quietly in my lap and just listen she never crosstalks or anything lol.  I have two children I lost custody before I started myheavy drug use.  I believe my heavy using was due partially to the loss of my children.  They used my medical condition against me in court and although it wass illegal I had a crappy lawyer.  Anyway, many people want to get the kids back immediately when they enter recovery.  I think it is important not to push the envelope too fast in this area.  Make sure you aren't going to be a 90 day wonder and get the kids back and relapse at 4 months because you got your life back and you decieve yourself into thinking you can do just one.  It didn't work before, so why should it now? Ketting the children back may be what you want, but is it fair to the children?  We've already put them thru so much.  My children don't know about my drug abuse they live with their dads and know I was sick.  Again, my mental illness played out.  But currently, I have started talking to my daughter on the phone, yet I waited until I was clean for a year this time before I started our relationship again because I was yo-yoing in and out of her life and it confused her.  My son doesn't really remember me so I am not forcing myself upon him and if he wants to talk to me in the future he has ways of getting ahold of me.  I lost custody when he was 3 and he is now almost 11.  My daughter is 14.Taking care of my dog is a large enough duty for me right now. I am still learning how to live a new way of life.  I wouldn't want to uproot my daughter from a family that took responsible care of her while I was walking barefoot homeless in the rain in the ghetto of Detroit trying to get one more so I would be able to go somewhere to get warm.A pet is a good idea. Getting your kids back is a great idea. Just don't rush things. Be fair to everyone involved, forget about your self-centered instant gratification and be responsible. Just a thought to chew on

1 comment:

  1. I think you are doing a good job at sharing the recovery you've learned thus far.
